This is what happens when you don't check your lid BEFORE trying to shake the GESSO bottle!! AND not all of the Gesso came out of the jeans (at least they weren't a FAVORITE pair). So now I am thinking ALTERED JEANS? Opps Couture? HMMM.....Maybe more Gesso stamping, some beading.......I think I see another project for this week!!

Oh boy! Did you try putting some of that alcohol based hand sanitizer on the spots that didn't come out? I have found that it breaks down the paint so even though you washed them it just might work. I would glob it on over the spots and let it sit for about 5 - 10 mins. Then rinse well and maybe use a light scrubbing with a toothbrush. Or of course you could just alter them. I have not tried that yet but I tell you I sure want to. Have I mentioned before that I left a partially inked stamp in my chair seat one day while hurrying to answer the phone? Then came back and proceeded to sit on it LOL I don't think you can consider a floral motif on your butt couture can you?!
Oh Deana, what a mess, but a fantastic opportunity to alter those jeans! Get out those stencils and acrylic spray paint and go to town! How about some gesso but this time on rubber stamps! Have fun!
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