Wednesday, November 18, 2009

tRyInG bLoGgInG bY pHoNE

I am trying out the androblogger app on my phone, the T-Mobile My-Touch. The only thing I don't see is how to add a picture......hmmm!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

rEcEnT aRt

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Here is an 8X10 painting that I just completed this week. It is acrylic and ink painted on canvas, the under layers are pages from a vintage dictionary. As soon as I can I'll actually scan a better picture.

BaBy CoW

My husbands boss had gotten a calf so we went overr to see her. Doesn't she have the cutest face?

AiR sHoW

I am so behind on posting! This was from the air show at the Lancaster Airport in August. It was soooo hot that day we really didn't stay too long. We were glad to get back home to the air conditioners!


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