Wednesday, August 27, 2008

NeW aRt BlOg

I have started a NEW blog for JuSt DeE'ZaRt There you will find only my art. This blog will remain as my Art & Life blog. There will continue to be changes as time goes by. THANK YOU to everyone who continues to visit and support me on my journey. I have come really far on here in a years time!! 1 year, 3 days, 217 posts, 4621 visitors and counting...PRICELESS!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

10 On TuEsDaY

I haven't done one of these for a while...

10 Things you didn't like about school.

1. Riding the bus, I wanted to be a walker.

2. Math, enough said!!

3. Having to carry books home. NO, we didn't have book bags!!

4. Packed lunches.

5. Bobo's. (What we called our gym shoes!)

6. Gym class, I actually failed once for not bringing my uniform!!
7. Kids who were cruel to other kids.
8. People who hung out in groups.
9. Getting up in the morning.
10. My decision not to graduate a year early.

Monday, August 25, 2008

SwEeT hEaRt

Today Maddie says "Where's daddy? I miss him." I tell her "Daddy is at work he'll be home later today for dinner." Maddie gently rubs my arm and says "Don't be sad Momma." She has such a sweet heart.

WoNdErFuL wEeKeNd

Jon came home from New York on Friday. We camped out in the tent in the backyard. Maddie had a blast. Saturday we just hung around the house. Wagon rides, walks, flower picking. Later in the afternoon we went to the church picnic. Sunday was church, long afternoon nap, playing in the tent, groceries. Dad leaves for New Jersey on Tuesday.

StRaNgE cAt

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I aM pArTiCiPaTiNg

If you haven't been over to The Altered Page lately then head over and see my answer to today's question:
Show and Tell.
SHOW us one photograph of the object or objects that you collect and TELL us how your collection(s) came to be and/or what they mean to you. Feel free to include any anecdote about how you might have found/bought any of your treasures.

Keep watching for more questions and check my answers along with MANY other artists in Seth's edition of The Pulse.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I aM pArTiCiPaTiNg

I recently participated in a survey
(in which I feel HONORED!) over at The Altered Page featuring artists that you may recognize - Teesha Moore, Angela Cartwright,
Julie Prichard, Sarah Fishburn, Nina Bagley, Kelly Kilmer, and Linda Woods.
There are 80-plus artists (and counting) that are participating in The Pulse. Join The Altered Page on Monday August 18Th for the third edition of The Pulse: an artist survey. This month long project will introduce you to new artists, help you get to know familiar faces even more, and allow you access into the creative hearts and minds of a very talented crew of individuals.

For this edition of The Pulse, Seth is considering offering for sale a printed zine to present the results of the survey on paper. Head over to The Altered Page for more details if you are interested. And check back there often to watch for my answers to the survey!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm LaTe, I'm LaTe FoR a VeRy ImPoRtAnT dAtE!!

AND NOW FOR THE WINNER!! I put in numers 1 to 26 for the entries at and it picked number 16............which would be......SHERRY GOODLOE!! I think Sherry has magical powers over that Random Generator!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

MaKe A dIfFeReNcE!!

Go check out this exciting opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life!
All proceeds from this first auction will be donated to the account of: Georgia Graham , who is in need of a lifesaving kidney transplant.
The Auction started August 11, 2008 and end at noon (Mountain Time) on August 17, 2008. Please help us to spread the word by linking your blogs to theirs, by copying and posting this link: on your blog or website and posting messages to the groups you belong to. This is an exciting event, hosted & sponsored by a loving artist community! Please join them!

Help make a difference by showing your “Caring Hands & Giving Hearts".

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A pLaCe To ViSiT

Jean's Art Dolls

I am a new member of the design team over at Jean's Art Dolls . Want to have fun with stamping and scrapbooking?? Head over there for some fun challenges, games, swaps etc... and friendship!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

SiSsIe BrItTy'S vIsIt

It is a tradition at our house that when Brittany comes for a visit we get Chinese food the first night. Doesn't this look fantastic? We went for the buffet not realizing that they only do that for lunch but the food was wonderful all the same.

Britt give the food a thumbs up!!

Dad looks quite happy as well...

Maddie is eating as fast as dad can cool it off!!

SISTERS!!! Maddie misses her sissy Britty already!! Brittany leaves for the Marines boot camp in Parris Island, SC August 25th. I already miss her too!!

EvEnInG sTrOlL

Maddie and DeDe taking an evening walk.


Maddie the garden fairy!!!

Perfect choice!!

One days haul, just the beginning!! Lots of canning to be done this week!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


This is the ATC that I did for the August ATC lottery over at Paper Imigery Designs Yahoo Gorup.

WiN tHiS aTc

To win this ATC see the post below.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

200tH pOsT

I just realized that my last post was my 200th for this year!! WOOHOO!! Leave a comment to win the ATC in the next post plus a special goodie bag filled with embellishments for your altered art!! I will pick a name at random on Tuesday August 12th so there is plenty of time to enter!!


Related Posts with Thumbnails Registered & Protected All art posted on this website is protected under U.S. & International Copyright Laws. No portion of any of the artist's work or statements may be duplicated, downloaded, copied, reproduced, or altered in any way without prior written permission from the artist.