Wednesday, April 30, 2008
CaRd FrOnT

I am not sure where this image is from as I received it in a swap a while ago. I stamped the background, cut out the stamped letter and mounted that on top and then went over it all with a green ink using a sea sponge to dab it on. I then mounted the picture using bronze photo corners. I attached two flower charms which I cut off the loops from. I then mounted it on a white blank card using black photo corners.

This is the front cover that I did for a 6x6 board book that I have started. The images were put over stamped images on a textured card stock. I then added a couple of postage stamps and a stamp on the top left side. I sprayed the entire surface with web spray in black and silver. I mounted this on a piece of linen paper that I painted a light bluish green and then dropped the surface onto water with swirls of black, brown, white and gold to marble it.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
rEcYcLiNg AgAiN
Friday was Gampa's birthday and Saturday was DeDe's birthday. We all enjoyed a great evening out to dinner with Gampa and Miss Joni. The Birthday men were serenaded by the staff at Hoss's, much to their embarrassment. We came home and Gampa had recycled HIS birthday cake to make it DeDe's birthday cake by moving the flowers to cover the name. We had about a half an hour of hysterical laughter over that one. Yes, you CAN take recycling too far!!THAT IS JUST PLAIN WRONG!!
TeN oN tUeSdAy
10 Superstitions, Traditions and/or Personality Quirks
1. I absolutely hate finding empty containers in the refrigerator (especially empty ice cube trays).
2. I cannot wear socks to bed and if my feet get hot I put my feet outside of the blankets.
3. I hate wearing shoes.
4. I have an extreme fear of snakes, I don't even like the cartoon ones on tv.

Did you REALLY expect to see a picture of one here??
5. We have to put up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving.

6. When my daughter Brittany visits we must go get chinese takeout and watch Zoolander.

7. When I get up in the morning I smoke a cigrette, brush my teeth, go to the bathroom and then make a pot of coffee (always in that order, and don't even think of interupting me).
8. I am always looking for 4 leaf clovers.
9. I have a fear of running out of groceries.

10. I won't swim in any body of water where I can't see the bottom.
I am sure that I have alot more quirky things that I do, just ask my husband!!
1. I absolutely hate finding empty containers in the refrigerator (especially empty ice cube trays).
2. I cannot wear socks to bed and if my feet get hot I put my feet outside of the blankets.
3. I hate wearing shoes.
4. I have an extreme fear of snakes, I don't even like the cartoon ones on tv.
Did you REALLY expect to see a picture of one here??
5. We have to put up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving.
6. When my daughter Brittany visits we must go get chinese takeout and watch Zoolander.
7. When I get up in the morning I smoke a cigrette, brush my teeth, go to the bathroom and then make a pot of coffee (always in that order, and don't even think of interupting me).
8. I am always looking for 4 leaf clovers.
9. I have a fear of running out of groceries.
10. I won't swim in any body of water where I can't see the bottom.
I am sure that I have alot more quirky things that I do, just ask my husband!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
To KiLl A mOcKiNgBiRd
Now please don't get me wrong, I LOVE nature. BUT when you are still laying in bed WIDE awake at 1:30am listening to that DARN mockingbird....wraack wraack...twirt twirt twirt...on and on and on........you really start to imagine all sorts of things to do to it. That same bird comes back every year. It imitates every species including the telephone ringing and screaming our last name. YES, it yells our last name. Our landlord used to yell our last name in order to get my husbands attention and the BIRD picked up on it...interesting!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
tEn On TuEsDaY
10 Things You Love About Your Life
Today's prompt on Ten on Tuesday:
Sometimes we’re so busy moaning and groaning about the stresses in our lives, wishing for things we can’t have or the life we should have had that we forget to appreciate how lucky we are to be alive. So what makes your life wonderful?
1. My family and friends.
2. God's grace.
3. Finally being able to be a stay at home mom.
4. Being creative and sharing that part of me with others.
5. Spaghetti on the second day with a big glass of milk (it is about the only time I drink milk) (and for those of you saying YUCK to drinking milk with spaghetti, try it you may like it, my childhood friend Mona still to this day agrees).
6. Runny noses, sticky fingers, skinned knees, bedtime and being able to watch ADULT tv (not THAT kind of adult tv, just not DORA or DIEGO..LOL).
7. Living in the country.
8. Summertime, warm weather and the beach.
9. My parents still being here.
10. My loving husband who puts up with my quirkiness.
Today's prompt on Ten on Tuesday:
Sometimes we’re so busy moaning and groaning about the stresses in our lives, wishing for things we can’t have or the life we should have had that we forget to appreciate how lucky we are to be alive. So what makes your life wonderful?
1. My family and friends.
2. God's grace.
3. Finally being able to be a stay at home mom.
4. Being creative and sharing that part of me with others.
5. Spaghetti on the second day with a big glass of milk (it is about the only time I drink milk) (and for those of you saying YUCK to drinking milk with spaghetti, try it you may like it, my childhood friend Mona still to this day agrees).
6. Runny noses, sticky fingers, skinned knees, bedtime and being able to watch ADULT tv (not THAT kind of adult tv, just not DORA or DIEGO..LOL).
7. Living in the country.
8. Summertime, warm weather and the beach.
9. My parents still being here.
10. My loving husband who puts up with my quirkiness.
A bLoG pArTy
Head on over to The Ribboned Crown and sign on for a swashbuckling blog party to be held online on Saturday, May 3rd.
Monday, April 21, 2008
dUcT TaPe DrEsS
Saturday, April 19, 2008
sAtUrDaY 9
Saturday 9: A Movie, TV, Music, Actors & Idol
1. What is the most recent movie you’ve watched with someone? Semi-sorta watching Ocean's Twelve tonight (I am on the computer and Jon is reading a book, TV is on)
2. What is currently your favorite TV show? House (always a fav)
3. What CD by a new artist that is worth a listen? I only listen to the radio in the car or on a rare occasion that the TV isn't tuned to Noggin
4. Have you bought a CD recently by an “old favorite” artist, if yes what? I usually only purchase Blockbuster movies that I forget to take back until I go to rent another and they charge me for the one I forgot (does that make sense?)
5. Who is your current favorite female actor? Not really any favs
6. Who is your current favorite male actor? I don't really pic favs
7. Do you pay attention to “actors born on your birthday”? No and don't really care
8. Who is your favorite artist left on American Idol? I don't watch these types of shows
9. Who will when win American Idol? Someone else who I am sure will end up on the radio in my car
1. What is the most recent movie you’ve watched with someone? Semi-sorta watching Ocean's Twelve tonight (I am on the computer and Jon is reading a book, TV is on)
2. What is currently your favorite TV show? House (always a fav)
3. What CD by a new artist that is worth a listen? I only listen to the radio in the car or on a rare occasion that the TV isn't tuned to Noggin
4. Have you bought a CD recently by an “old favorite” artist, if yes what? I usually only purchase Blockbuster movies that I forget to take back until I go to rent another and they charge me for the one I forgot (does that make sense?)
5. Who is your current favorite female actor? Not really any favs
6. Who is your current favorite male actor? I don't really pic favs
7. Do you pay attention to “actors born on your birthday”? No and don't really care
8. Who is your favorite artist left on American Idol? I don't watch these types of shows
9. Who will when win American Idol? Someone else who I am sure will end up on the radio in my car
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
LeT ThE gAmE bEgIn
Maddie thought it hilarious to run from mommy and the camera. Which is exactly how I managed to get lots of pictures of the back of her head!!
StAnD sTiLl
The harder I tried to get a picture, the faster she ran around avoiding the camera! Lots of great shots of the back of her.
We got the rock walls finished, beds mulched and flowers planted. Now to keep the weeds away...Yeah Right!!
This is me when go blog hopping and happen to find my blog linked on other peoples blogs. "AS IF"...my blog is a "Link of Artful Interest". I found my blog listed on Listen To My Art Beat the site of Stacy Alexander. Wow!!...(and a very humble Thank You)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
mY sToRy

It dawned on me last night as to why I was feeling a little down. I had also recently been comtemplating telling my story of survival. If you've frequented my blog you may have seen the banner at the very bottom "A blood donor saved my life"...So here goes...
3 years ago on March 14th I found out that I was pregnant. I was excited and scared to death at the same time, after all I was 41 years old. My doctor had told me that if I wanted another child do it before I was 45. Still it had been a LONG time since my second. 15 years to be exact. On April 14th something was terribly wrong. I lost the baby. We were devastated. It was a horrible experience at the hospital. The doctor was a complete ass. The baby had died and my body wasn't letting it go. They had to operate. The baby was 3 months old.
In late September of that year I called up a friend and asked her to bring me a pregnancy test. That sucker turned bright blue in a split second, I was pregnant. I saw this as a gift from God. See, it was around that time that the baby I had lost would have been born. Instead of being depressed about the loss I was able to be excited (and again scared) about this new little life inside of me. I knew that I couldn't worry or get upset in anyway and risk losing another so I prayed that God take full charge of this new life. The pregnancy actually went very well. I didn't even have morning sickness which I did with my other two daughters. All of the check ups were normal. In late April I started having contractions. It was too early. They put me on bedrest in hopes of keeping this little one in as long as possible. I actually went past the due date. They finally decided to induce the labor and put me in the hospital. I started having contractions but this baby just didn't want to come out, it's head wouldn't drop into the birth canal. In an instant things went wrong again. I was bleeding way too much. Three pushes and there she was. The most beautiful newborn I have ever seen. She was perfect. I don't remember too much of what was going on after that point. I was dying. They were doing everything possible to stop the bleeding. I had gone into DIC, the number one cause of death during childbirth. My blood would no longer clot. They had given me 9 pints of blood. At the last minute the doctor decided that the only option was to try an emergency hysterectomy and even that was risky. I woke up in the hospital 3 days later, alive. I was visited by almost everyone who worked at that hospital. My daughter Madison and I were the miracle that everyone had to see for themselves. We both could have died. A total of 5 days in the hospital and the doctor told me that I could go home. I had healed so quickly, he was shocked. He told me that normally after what I had gone through I should have been there for at least two weeks. I haven't told this story alot but I think it is time as a sort of healing for me. I found this picture recently of baby Madison. I think it is a portrait of an angel.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
sIdEwAlK cHaLk DrAwInG
You really have to study this picture for a while to realize that the "person" on the left is the chalk drawing and the artist is the guy on the right. Awesome picture!! ANYWAY, I put this on here because I found out today that Manheim is having a sidewalk chalk drawing contest in the town square on May 17th. I was asked to participate in this event, being a local artist. It will raise money to benefit the Manheim Central High School art students. How cool is that??
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