Tuesday, February 26, 2008
aNoThEr WaTeRcOlOr 22x30
Ok, so those of you that know ME, know that this watercolor painting has been in progress for a long, long, long time. Well, I've decided that it is time for me to fianlly finish it!! I found a picture of a face that will work for me to finish this (I lost the original National Geographic one).
Saturday, February 23, 2008
wAtErCoLoR 12x18
RaYs Of SuNsHiNe
Friday, February 22, 2008
I'vE bEeN tAgGeD!!
I've been tagged by Mollye at Mollyedoozey to reveal 7 "What If's..." about myself. Here are the questions and my answers.
1. What If I could meet anyone in the world to chat with:
I would love to meet Keith Herring to talk about art.
2. What If I could travel anywhere in the world:
I would take a trip to a beach somewhere surrounded by the bluest water you have ever seen with the love of my life, Jon.
3. What If I could have one wish granted to benefit all of mankind:
I would make sure that everyone went to bed with a warm meal and a full stomach.
4. What If I could live in a period other than the present for just 24 hours:
I would go to the year 2023, I just hate surprises!!
5. What If I had to become an animal for 24 hours:
I would be a cat.
6. What If I could make-over three areas of my body:
I’d flatten my tummy like it was when I was 18. I'd get botox injections in the deep frown lines on my forehead. And I'd have lasic surgery on my eyes so I'd never have to wear glasses again.
7. What If I could bring anyone back to life for 24 hours:
I'd bring back my grandmother for her to see my youngest daughter Maddie.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
2 ChAlLeNgEs In OnE
This is for the Monday Image Challenge at AlTeReDdEsIgNs group and the Created ByHand Challenge which was to use this house template. I used a marbled background layered with words paper and a swirled lacy paper over that. I stamped writing and a heart onto the back ground and added the words Dream and Cherish, a definition of the word Commitment, a flower and a button. The roof top is a handmade paper with embossed hearts onto which I dusted on sparkle chalk.
Friday, February 8, 2008
MoNdAy ImAgE cHaLlEnGe
AnOtHeR a"MuSe"iNg DoLl
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
KiTcHeN cHaOs
This was my kitchen for 3 days as my dishwasher was being installed. After countless interuptions, extra trips to the hardware store etc.. I am happy to say "I LOVE YOU JON, HONEY, DARLING, SWEETIE....." I now have a new dishwasher and a clean kitchen!! (I'd better go take a picture of that...QUICK!!)
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